Chronicle Tunisia

Reading time: 2 minutes

17 December 2010: In the city of Sidi Bouzid, Mohamed Bouazizi, a stallholder, set fire to himself in protest against the Tunisian regime and social injustice.

December 2020 – January 2011: Tens of thousands of Tunisians demonstrate against longtime dictator, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali. Hundreds are killed during clashes with the police.

14 January 2011: Ben Ali flees to Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of Tunisians begin regular protests for reforms.

October 2011: In the first democratic elections the islamic-conservative Ennahda party wins the majority, building a coaltion with the social democratic parties to form a constituent assembly.

August 2012: Protests begin against the new constitution which foresees equal rights for women and is rejected by conservative forces. The Ennahda party is losing popular support.

February and July 2013: Islamist motivated attacks on leftist opposition politicians, Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi, lead to a stark polarisation between Ennahda supporters and secularists.

January 2014: The National Dialogue Quartet successfully brokers compromise and the constitution is ratified by the assembly, guaranteeing civil rights and equal rights for men and women.

August 2014: Tunisia launches the Truth and Dignity Commission.

December 2014: Beji Caid Essebsi from the secularist Nidaa Tounes party wins Tunisia‘s first free presidential elections.

December 2017: The Tunesian economic crisis is at its height. Terror attacks targeting tourist locations negatively impacts Tunisia’s economy further.

October 2019: Many voters punish the major parties at parliamentary elections. Kais Saied, an outsider and professor of constitutional law, is surprisingly elected president. Three parliamentary elections are held within nine months.